That “out-of-the-box” arts and education venture led to teaching and training thousands of students and families across the country and to teaching and training other educators in that same educational philosophy. Over time, we began encouraging others in the field of creative entrepreneurship by teaching them to be “entrecreative.” Now that I am an empty nester, I’m on a new stage of life's journey while finding a second wind in life. The seasons of life continually change.
This little corner of the internet will reflect a lot of what I've experienced and learned during that first half of life, but it will also focus on my search for a "second wind" for the second half of life. In other words, this site will not necessarily have one specific niche. It will be all over the place as I reflect on family, parenting, education, entrepreneurship, and finding a second wind for a new stage of life. You can find the main areas of focus in the menu at the top of the page. I hope that you will join me and that my journey might become part of yours. For more about me, please be sure and check out my ABOUT page.
Once again, welcome! I’m so glad you are here!
Faith and Courage,